The EB5 Visa Process for Applicants

As a prospective immigrant considering the USA as your new home, you may have heard of the eb5 visa program. It’s an appealing prospect–investing money into a business or project stateside and receiving a green card in return seems like a straightforward deal; yet, the timeline involved in procuring this coveted asset often tends to be quite confusing. According to data from 2023, many people seeking American citizenship come to us confused by how long an eb5 visa takes in 2024. We understand that delving into official procedures concerning immigration law can be intimidating; sorting through all the technical jargon can be overwhelming and there are times when you end up feeling hopelessly lost amidst terms like “conditional permanent residence” and “immigration petitions”.

An experienced immigration attorney knows exactly what must be done during these pressing times. With firsthand experience dealing with such situations, they provide much-needed guidance at every step of this complicated journey. We’re an award-winning law firm in San Diego, California, with 50+ years of experience in immigration law.Talk to an immigration attorney at Feldman Feldman & Associates PC  by calling 1-619-299-9600 today. 

Untangling the EB-5 Visa Timeline

How does one gauge how long an eb5 visa process will take? Timelines for an eb5 visa can vary. Sometimes, applications can be processed within an average timeframe of 12 to 18 months. However, subtle variables make it challenging to forecast accurately with each case scenario differing due to individual-specific factors.Here is a breakdown of what a typical eb5 visa timeline could look like:

1. File Form I-526

This is essentially your petition as per guidelines provided by USCIS validating that your investment will create jobs.

2. Consular Processing/Adjustment of Status

Once your petition is approved, you proceed either through consular processing if you are outside the U.S or “adjustment of status” if within.

3. Remove Conditions on Your Green Card

This involves filing Form I-829 to remove conditions on your green card and demonstrate that your investment has indeed created jobs. 

How to Select an Immigration Attorney for your EB5 Visa Application 

Typically, you will have a significantly higher success rate in visa applications filed with assistance from an immigration lawyer compared to those without. Thus, identifying and employing the services of esteemed immigration counsel are vital steps in ea beyond just complying with eb5 visa requirements. How then does one go about choosing the right immigration lawyer for their eb5? Here are three key considerations:

1. Experience with EB-5 visas.

Ensure they have handled numerous applications successfully.


Appreciate immigration lawyers who communicate openly about possible obstacles rather than making unrealistic promises.

3. Referrals 

Listen to experiences of previous clients which should give you a fair idea of their proficiency and reliability.Being armed with this information will not only make it easier for you when dealing with an immigration lawyer regarding your application but also streamline your path towards obtaining legal resident status in America.

FAQs: EB5 Visa 

1. Do all investments qualify my application under eb5 visa requirements?

No, investments need to fall into specific types outlined by USCIS

2. Is there a cap on how many people can apply for this type of visa annually?

Yes, there is a yearly allocation set by USCIS restricting how many such visas can be granted out globally.

3. What obtains faster results – hiring an immigration attorney or applying solo for my eb5?

Involving an experienced professional resulted in considerably lesser processing times due to fewer inaccuracies during application

4. Can any immigration attorney help me file my petition?

Yes, an immigration attorney can technically assist you in filing. Seek an immigration lawyer who has substantial experience dealing with the EB-5 program

Is there a standard fixed timeline on how long an eb5 visa takes in 2024?

No, timelines change varying individually depending upon factors such as country of origin or specific EB-5 project invested into.

EB5 Immigration Lawyer 

For over 50 years, Feldman Feldman & Associates PC has been at the forefront of the eb5 visa program. Call us today for your free consultation at 1-619-299-9600

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