Navigating the Financial Requirements for a K-1 Visa: Insights from a San Diego K-1 Visa Lawyer

If you’re a U.S. citizen engaged to a foreign national and planning to bring your fiancé(e) to the United States, understanding the financial requirements for a K-1 visa can feel overwhelming. As a seasoned K-1 visa lawyer in San Diego, California, we’re here to illuminate this complex process and help you confidently navigate the legal landscape.

We’re an award-winning law firm in San Diego, California, with 50+ years of experience in immigration law.Talk to an immigration attorney at Feldman Feldman & Associates PC  by calling 1-619-299-9600 today. 

Understanding the Minimum Income Requirement for K-1 Visa Sponsors

As the U.S. citizen sponsor of a K-1 visa applicant, you must demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means to support your foreign fiancé(e) once they arrive in the United States. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires sponsors to have an income of at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for their household size.

2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines for K-1 Visa Sponsors

As of 2024, the minimum annual income requirement for K-1 visa sponsors is:

  • $20,440 for a two-person household

  • $25,820 for a three-person household

  • $31,200 for a four-person household

If your income falls short of these guidelines, don’t worry – options are still available to help you meet the financial requirements.

Overcoming Income Limitations with a Joint Sponsor or Assets

If your income doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, you can seek the help of a joint sponsor who is willing to accept legal responsibility for financially supporting your fiancé(e). A joint sponsor must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, at least 18 years old, and have an income that meets the 125% threshold of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Alternatively, you may use your assets to compensate for income shortfalls. Assets can include cash, stocks, bonds, or property, and their value must equal at least five times the difference between your income and the required minimum income.

Proving Financial Stability: Required Documentation for K-1 Visa Applications

To demonstrate your financial stability, you’ll need to submit various documents with your K-1 visa application, such as:


  • Federal income tax returns for the most recent tax year

  • Evidence of current employment and income, such as pay stubs or an employment letter

  • Proof of assets, if applicable

  • An Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) signed by you and your joint sponsor

A knowledgeable K-1 visa attorney can guide you through gathering and submitting these documents to ensure a smooth application process.

Protecting Your Future: The Role of a Skilled K-1 Visa Lawyer

Navigating the complexities of K-1 visa requirements can be daunting, but you don’t have to face it alone. By working with a reputable K-1 visa lawyer like those at Feldman Feldman & Associates PC, you can rest assured that your case is in capable hands. Our experienced marriage visa attorneys in San Diego are dedicated to helping couples like you achieve their dreams of starting a life together in the United States.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What happens if my income doesn’t meet the K-1 visa requirements?

If your income falls short of the minimum requirements, you can seek a joint sponsor or use your assets to supplement your income. A skilled K-1 visa attorney can help you explore your options.

  1. How long does the K-1 visa process take?

The processing time for a K-1 visa can vary, but it typically takes 6 to 12 months from when you submit your petition to when your fiancé(e) receives their visa. Your San Diego K-1 visa lawyer can help you understand the timeline for your specific case.

  1. Can I include my children in the K-1 visa application?  

You can include your unmarried children under 21 in your K-1 visa application. They will be eligible for K-2 visas to accompany their fiancé(e) to the United States. A marriage visa lawyer can guide you through this process.

  1. What happens after my fiancé(e) arrives in the United States on a K-1 visa?

Once your fiancé(e) arrives in the U.S. on a K-1 visa, you must get married within 90 days. After your marriage, your spouse can apply for an adjustment of status to obtain permanent residence (a Green Card). Your marriage visa attorney can assist you with this process.

  1. How can a San Diego K-1 visa lawyer help me with my case?

An experienced K-1 visa lawyer in San Diego can provide invaluable guidance throughout the visa application process, from helping you gather the necessary documentation to representing you in any interactions with USCIS. They can also help you troubleshoot issues and ensure your rights are protected immediately.

Let’s Get Started on Your K-1 Journey!

Navigating the K-1 visa process in California can be manageable. With a trusted San Diego K-1 visa attorney, you can focus on what matters – building a future with the one you love. 

We’re an award-winning law firm in San Diego, California, with 50+ years of experience in immigration law.Talk to an immigration attorney at Feldman Feldman & Associates PC  by calling 1-619-299-9600 today.   

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